What do we know about St. Cronan?
February 10th , the feast of St Cronan, the patron of our parish, is fast approaching. St Cronan’s life spanned the late 6th and early 7th century. He died in the early 7th century, The Martyrology of Donegal tells us that:
“Glassmore is a church near Swords whither came the Northmen from Inbhear Dombhainn and slew both Cronan and his entire fraternity in one night. They did not let one escape, and there the entire company was crowned with martyrdom”
(Source; Camden’s Britania,vol.iii, p.561)
(Inbhear Doimhainn was the old Gaelic name for Malahide)

What do we know about St Cronan, and why was he chosen to be the patron of our parish?
Cronan would have been the saint’s Clann or Family name. His first name might have been a traditional Gaelic name, or he might have been named after one of the apostles. In the early 600s, names of European saints would not have been familiar to the Irish people. (It took about 100 years to change this situation)
Cronan’s monastic settlement co-existed alongside St Colmcille’s monastery, and was known as Glassmore. (The big green field.)
Glassmore monastery would have been a hive of activity. Here they were accomplished farmers; their agricultural implements would have been sturdy, well maintained and up-to-the-minute. READ MORE...
The Parish of Brackenstown hosted an exhibition titled “Early Christian Swords” in St Cronan’s Pastoral Centre from 14th to 27th April 2018.
The Swords area is steeped in history and it was an important centre for Christianity in the early days of the Irish Church. Swords is probably best known historically as the resting place of Brian Boru following his death at the Battle of Clontarf in 1014. His body lay overnight in the church at Swords and later proceeded to Armagh where the High King was buried.
Fundraiser for St. Columba's Church
On Thursday, Oct 23, 2014, we celebrated a happy event was in St Cronan’s, Brackenstown. We were joined by clergy and parishioners from our neighbouring parishes, St Colmcille’s Swords and St Finian’s, River Valley. Our guests of honour were Rev’d Cannon R.W. Deane, Rector of St Columba’s Church of Ireland, Swords and a fair representation of his parishioners. READ MORE....