Starting 25th November 2019
Brackenstown Parish are organising a series of talks and events in St. Cronan's Parish Centre to celebrate Advent.
Monday 25th November at 8:00pm: An Introduction to Islam By Imam Khan
Monday 2nd December at 8:00pm: Alice Leahy of Trust - Caring for the Homeless
Monday 9th December at 8:00pm: Br. Martin Bennett OFM Cap. - St. Francis and the Christmas Crib
Thursday 12th December at 7:30pm: St. Cronan’s Senior School Carol Service
Sunday 15th December at all Masses: Bambinelli Sunday - Bring your Crib to be Blessed at all our Masses
Tuesday 17th December at 8:00pm: Star of Bethlehem - A Reflection on this Holy Place
9th December to Monday 23rd December: Advent Prayer Stations
A Creative Journey through Seven Prayer Stations around the Church

Thursday 29th November 2019
Maura Worthington demonstrates how we can decorate our homes for Christmas. Always a great night with plenty of tips from Maura who arranges the Church flowers and has won many awards for her floral arrangements including "Bloom".
As always, floral arrangements are raffled off at the end of the night. The demonstration starts at 7:30pm. Fee is €5 and tea & coffee are provided.

Sunday 24th November 2019
Brackenstown Parish Annual Coffee Morning for St. Francis Hospice takes place after all morning Masses on Sunday 24th November. All proceeds go towards the Hospice.
Many thanks to all who help organise this event.

Thursday 21st November 2019
The PPC hosted a Fundraising Concert in aid of the Brackenstown for Kerala Flood Relief Campaign on Thursday 21st November at 7:30pm in St. Cronan’s Church. Acts included Doc Savage, Christy Sheridan, Sarah Louise Connelly, BMusic College of Music, Local Traditional Band, Chiara & Friends, Youth Choir, BROS, Indian Community, Filipino Community, African Community, Polish Community and more....
Single Ticket €10 & Family Ticket €15

Friday 8th November 2019
Our Mass for remembering those who have died in the past year will take place on Friday 8th November at 7:30pm. The Funeral Ministry Team are in the process of delivering the invitations to those families who had a funeral here since last November. You are all invited to join us for this special Mass.
The memory book will be in the sacred space for the month of November for families to get an idea of what they need to prepare for it.

Saturday 3rd November 2019
PPC Notes:
Preparations are ongoing for our Kerala fundraising concert on 21st November. The council thank all who made our recent assembly such a success. Both those who helped with the preparations, and those who attended on the day. Follow-up meetings are as follows:
Building the Community - Events Sunday November 10th @ 12.30pm
Catechesis for Adults Tuesday November 12th @ 8pm
Cross Cultural Connections Tuesday November 12th @ 8pm
Choir Thursday November 14th @ 8pm
Youth Outreach Tuesday November 26th @ 8pm
All Meetings will be in St. Cronan’s Parish Centre
We will also be organising an Advent Crib competition.
Willie Curtis (PPC Chair)

Thursday 31st October 2019
On 31st October, Halloween we had an All Saints Party for children in the Pastoral Centre from 4:00pm to 5:30pm. There were goodies, games and glue (for the arts and crafts!). We asked the children to dress up as their favourite saint, there are some ideas in the children’s space at the back of the Church. There were prizes for the best costume.
We had music and dancing, apples hanging on strings to try to eat, musical statues (with prizes for all) and sat around a "campfire prayer space" with the lights dimmed, we heard the stories of St. Francis and how good he was with animals and “The Taming of the Wolf”. We found out what a relic was and were showed the first class relics of St. Francis, St. Clare and St. Therese of Lisieux.
A wonderful, joyful night was had by all!!

Friday 25th October 2019
On the weekend 26/27 October we had our Harvest Thanksgiving in the Parish when we give thanks to God for His goodness to us. We invite parishioners to bring some non-perishable foods and place them around the Altar. These were passed on to the local Crosscare Foodbank. The Food Bank collects and stores food for distribution to individuals and/or families affected by food poverty within a local community. The aim is to provide quality, nutritional food to those identified as “in need”. Although the primary aim is to provide food, information on rights and entitlements are shared with service users when appropriate in particular, when it is felt it could address the underlying social causes of hunger.
Many thanks to the pupils from St. Cronan's JNS & SNS who donated food to the Crosscare Food bank at their Harvest Services this week.

Saturday 19th October 2019
Brackenstown Parish invites you, your family and friends to join us for our Parish Assembly. Everyone in our parish community is asked to come along and give their opinion!

11th August 2019
After 33 years of witness and service to our Parish, the Sisters are moving from Brackenstown. It will be a sad day at the end of August when they close their door for the last time and the preparation for the sale of the houses are made. In the time that the Sisters have been here, many changes have taken place in our society and our Church.
In the early days the Sisters could see the need of people and addressed them in a very practical way by providing support and guidance to many. In the establishment of BASE, beginning in the staff room of the Junior School, they began classes in self development and adult education that gave many people a new found confidence in themselves.
Through the years their involvement in the Parish set up the strong foundations on which so much of what we do today is based. But their greatest strength was their presence and support through their witness and prayer. Many groups use their house as a meeting place and are always met with a warm welcome. All of these groups will be facilitated in the Parish and I ask the leaders of the groups to get in touch with me to make arrangements. It is only fitting that we have a celebration to mark the ministry of the Sisters.
There are always mixed feelings when we come to say goodbye, on the one hand sorry for those we are losing but also happy for them as they begin a new chapter in their lives. Over the years the Sisters have planted many seeds, that have grown into the Parish we are today.
Our greatest gift to the Sisters is to continue this growth and like they did throughout their ministry, look for ways to support each other in our journey of faith and life. Fr. Paul

1st August 2019
On Thursday 1st August, an historic transition took place as the Savage family and many friends who have worked there for many years moved to new stage in their lives. We wish them well in what the future holds and thank them for their kindness and help throughout the years.
It was always a unique place to shop, stocking things that no one else kept. The ‘Australian wines from Australia’ and the Easter Eggs at Christmas were some of the unique ways that made shopping there an experience. It was a great place to meet people and the staff created a family atmosphere that took the pain out of shopping.
JC and his family have always been very supportive of the Parish, from the earliest days of Christmas Fairs, Raffles and Parish Socials they always gave spot prizes and other support to these events. Change is always hard and it’s a pity to see names that have been an important part of the fabric of Swords moving on. But as things change we hope that new opportunities will enrich our community.

4th August 2019
In June Bishop Raymond Field retired as Auxiliary Bishop of the Dublin Dioceses with responsibility for the Deaneries of Fingal North, Maynooth and Blanchardstown. Over the years Bishop Ray gave great service in his leadership, concern and interest in these areas and this was clearly seen when he celebrated the Sacrament of Confirmation. There were many other roles that he took on in the Diocesan Healthcare Committee, the Pastoral preparation for Jubilee 2000, the Eucharistic Congress and the World Meeting of Families.
After years of dedicated service we wish him every blessing in his retirement. Archbishop Martin has asked me to succeed Bishop Field under the title of Episcopal Vicar for the Pastoral Area. It will mean being involved in each of these areas, attending the Diocesan Council, Priests Council and V.F.’s Meetings and from February to June celebrating the Sacrament of Confirmation in some of the Parishes of these areas.
As I take on this new role it will mean trying to balance my responsibilities to you in Brackenstown with these additional duties. I ask for your continued support and prayers which have sustained me over the past eight years.
Fr. Paul

Sunday 9th June 2019
Well done to everyone who joined us on our Swords "Camino" Pilgrim Walk. We had a great turn out and the weather held up for us as we journeyed from St. Finian's Church, Rivervalley, St. Columba's Church, St. Colmcille's Well, St. Colmcille's Church ending at St. Cronan's Church for refreshments. We hope to make this an annual event on the feast of Pentecost.

24th May 2019
“On reaching his 75 birthday on 24 May last, Bishop Raymond Field offered his resignation from the office of Auxiliary Bishop of Dublin in accordance with Canon Law. Pope Francis has now accepted that resignation and the announcement was made this week. A native of Drumcondra in Dublin, Bishop Field attended O’Connell Schools and Holy Cross College, Clonliffe. He was ordained a priest in 1970. He ministered in Prison Chaplaincy, in Accord Marriage Care and later in the Defence Forces, becoming Head Chaplain to the Defence Forces in 1991. He was appointed Titular Bishop of Ard Mór and Auxiliary bishop of Dublin in September 1997. He is a barrister and has been called to the Irish and English bars. He was also a member of the first successful Irish expedition to Mount Everest in 1993 with Dawson Stelfox. Bishop Field gave tireless leadership in the Pastoral Area assigned to him in the Archdiocese of Dublin, mainly in the rapidly developing area of North County Dublin. He was Diocesan Health Care Representative and led the preparations for the Diocesan World Day of the Sick celebrations since 2002. At Episcopal Conference level Bishop Field has undertaken many roles particularly in the areas of Justice and Peace, Health Care and Migration. I thank Bishop Field for his dedicated service within the diocese and wish him every blessing for the years to come.”
Archbishop Diarmuid Martin

Sunday 5th May 2019
Have you noticed our new space in the church for our younger parishioners? As well as showing what our Family Mass group have been doing, there are a variety of faith based books you can share with your child. You are welcome to use it at any time.

Sunday 14th April 2019
A sincere thank you to all who supported our fundraising Bingo last Sunday Night. It was great fun with some people experiencing Bingo for the first time! We raised €1,170.00 which pushes us over the half way mark of our target of €8,500.00. We will have another event in the summer to get to the target.
We would like to thank the local businesses and parishioners who sponsored spot prizes. We thank the Bingo Team from St. Cronan’s Residents Association who ran the Bingo Night and who made a generous contribution also. Again a big thank you for all your support to our flood relief campaign, we look forward to the next event to get us over the line.
Chiara (member of PPC)

Sunday 10th March 2019
At our 12.30pm Family Mass on March 10th, the children will be "putting away" the 'Alleulia' for Lent. If your child would like to take part, please download one of the pictures below, ask your child to colour it in and bring it along on Sunday.

22nd - 26th August 2018
Pope Francis visited Dublin on 26 August for World Meeting of Families, 39 years after his predecessor, Pope John Paul II made his way through the Irish capital before celebrating Mass at the Phoenix Park in front of one million people. Over half a million free tickets were made available for those who wanted to attend Mass this weekend in Phoenix Park.
The two main events attended by Pope Francis were the ‘Festival of Families’ in Croke Park on 25 August and the Final Mass in Phoenix Park on 26 August.
The Festival of Families concert is part of the World Meeting of Families overall six-day programme. It is described as “a celebration of family life around the world that featured musical and dance performances, as well as five selected families from around the world giving witness to their family’s faith”.

1st - 8th July 2018
Based in Krakow to include Wadovice, Czestochowa, Auschwitz, Wieliczka Salt Mines and the Shrine of St. Faustina. This tour included accommodation in the Atrium Hotel 3*, centrally located in the Old Town and just a short walk from the Market Square.
The first week in July a group of 23 parishioners and friends went on pilgrimage to Krakow. On arrival they were greeted by rain, which was a welcome relief from the heat, though did you ever think you would hear an Irish person saying that! The Pilgrimage included visits to the Divine Mercy Shrine, Salt Mines, Wadawice (birthplace of St. John Paul II), Auswitz, and also taking in the sights and atmosphere of this beautiful city. Our thanks to MAP Travel for facilitating the Pilgrimage and all those who worked to make it happen.

10th June, July & August 2018
Brackenstown Parish invites you, your family and friends to join us for a Holy Mass and Blessing as part of World Meeting of Families. We would like to celebrate 9 Holy Masses, one for each area of the parish. The date and time area of the parish will be published in the newsletter but will take place on Monday nights at 7:30pm in late May, June, July & early August.
During the Mass we will place a box in the middle of the Church where you can place your petitions and special prayer intentions,. You can also include the names of deceased members of your family. After Mass, each family will receive a bottle of Holy Water to take with you and bless your home.

10th June 2018
As part of the upcoming World Meeting of Families, the three parishes of Swords, Rivervalley & Brackenstown came together to celebrate Mass at 12:30pm and enjoy a picnic afterwards in the grounds of Colaiste Choilm, Swords. The 11am Mass in Swords & 12:30pm Mass in Brackenstown were both cancelled. The weather was fantastic and a great day was enjoyed by all with music, Scoil Rince Naomh Bhríd, Northern Star Twirlers and live music. There will also be Penalty Shoot Out & children's activities with face painting, balloon animals etc. The Order of Malta provided First Aid. Many thanks to all the volunteers who helped on the day and made it such a huge success.

14th - 27th April 2018
St. Cronan’s Parish Pastoral Centre, Brackenstown, Swords
The Swords area is steeped in history and it was an important centre for Christianity in the early days of the Irish Church.
The exhibition will feature displays on St Colmcille’s Monastery, Glasmore Abbey/The Nunnery, and the local Holy Wells of St Colmcille, St Cronan and St Werburgh.
The exhibition will also feature information on recent important archaeological findings in the Swords area. These include the discovery in 2003 of a previously unknown cemetery at Mount Gamble. There will also be displays on the recently rediscovered Ecclesiastical complex in the Mooretown/Oldtown area, on either side of the Rathbeale Road. Since 2010 Fingal county council has a Conservation and Management Plan in place for this area.
We wish to thank Courtney Deery Heritage Consultancy who carried out the design and editorial for the exhibition. We would like to thank Fingal County Council and Creative Ireland for their generous grant of €1,500. We are also thankful to Gannon Homes for their kind donation of €2,000 towards the cost of the exhibition.
The exhibition will be open to all and there will be no entrance charge.

8th April 2018
St. Cronan’s Church, Brackenstown, Swords
2:45pm - Blessing of the Image; 3:00pm - Chaplet of Divine Mercy followed by reflections from St. Faustina’s diary & Rosary; 4:15pm - Stations of the Cross; 5:00pm - Benediction;
5:30pm - Mass
The sacrament of reconciliation will be available. Devotions will be broadcast on the

21st - 26th August 2018
There are various ways of getting involved in this important upcoming event.
Log onto the website for more information.

20th - 25th March 2018
A week of prayer and reflection in the parish with Morning Prayer at 9:20am; Reflection on St.Mark's Passion at 10:30am; Prayer Stations in the Church centred on the Way of the Cross; evening reflections and Night Prayer at 9:30pm.
You are invited to put your family name on the "Our Parish - A Family of Families Tree" at the back of the Church.

March 2018
The first two sessions of these parish conversations took place in the three parishes of Brackenstown, Swords & Rivervalley. We hope to hold the remaining conversations after Easter. Please check newsletters for further information.

6th, 7th, 8th, 12th & 13th March
Congratulations to the boys and girls who are preparing for First Holy Communion and received the special sacrament of God's love in our parish.
We remember the boys and girls of Gaelscoil Bhrian Boroimhe, St. Cronan's Junior School, Swords and Thornleigh Educate Together Schools who will receive their First Holy Communion in May.

13th, 22nd & 23rd February 2018
Congratulations to the young people of Gaelscoil Bhrian Boroimhe and St. Cronan's Senior School who were Confirmed in February. We ask you to remember them in your prayers.

29th January - 4th February 2018
Catholic Schools Week celebrates the work that our Church Schools do in being places where the ethos of faith is lived every day. It celebrates the way in which our Schools live the call of Jesus to love God and our neighbour.
This year the theme of Catholic Schools Week focuses on the World Meeting of Families and how as a Catholic School we are a family in the bigger family of the network of Catholic Schools.

18th - 25th January 2018
The service to mark the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity in the Swords area takes place in St. Cronan's Church on Thursday 25th January at 8pm.
Material for this year's Week of Prayer for Christian Unity 2018 come to us from the Caribbean Churches and uses Exodus Chapter 15 "Your right hand O Lord, glorious in power" - a song of triumph over oppression.

14th December 2017
Our Annual Christmas Carol Service takes place in St. Cronan's Church on Thursday 14th December at 7:30pm. We look forward to the children from St. Cronan's Senior School who will be leading the Carols.
A family celebration with the story of Christmas told through the readings, drama, popular carols & carols from around the world.

21st December 2017
A Christmas Raffle in aid of The Alice Leahy Trust, a service for homeless people in Dublin
& The Holy Family Maternity Hospital & Orphanage in Bethlehem will take place in St. Cronan's Parish Pastoral Centre at the Thursday Coffee Morning Tickets are a strip of 5 for €1 and are available in the Sacristy after Sunday Masses and in the Parish Centre at the Hospitality.

November - December 2017
The NET Ministries Team have spent the a week with 6th Class in St. Cronan’s SNS. Activities during the week included music, drama, games, and a space for each child to encounter Jesus through faith sharing and prayer time. NET Ministries will also be working with St. Colmcille’s NS, Swords; Holy Family NS, Rivervalley; St. Finian’s Community College; Colaiste Choilm & Loreto College over the next four weeks.
A Youth Group which started on Tuesday evening 14th November in the Parish Pastoral Centre from 6:30pm - 8:00pm. This is a follow up from the great work that NET Ministries are doing and will continue every Tuesday evening.
We wish them every blessing in their ministry and ask our parishioners to keep them in your prayers over the coming weeks.

Monday 11th December 2017
It is 40 years to the day on 11th December 1977 when St. Cronan's Church was officially Blessed and Dedicated to St. Cronan. To commemorate this anniversary we are celebrating a special Mass on Monday 11th December at 7:30pm. All parishioners are most welcome to attend and we especially invite those who were an active part of the Church and parish over those 40 years.

Friday 1st December 2017 at 7:30pm
Brothers Martin Bennett O.F.M. Cap, Bryan Shorthall O.F.M. Cap and Philip Baxter O.F.M. Cap will celebrate a Mass of Healing in honour of St. Padre Pio in St. Cronan's Church on Friday 1st December at 7:30pm. Everybody most welcome to come along.

Tuesday 28th November 2017 at 7:30pm
Tea & Coffee afterwards with all flower arrangements raffled on the night
Fee: €5.00
Fundraiser with proceeds to St. Cronan’s Parish Centre
Ideas for the Christmas table and around the house by Maura Worthington who arranges the Church Flowers, and who has won many awards for her flower arranging including ‘Bloom’

On the weekend 21/22 October 2017 we had our Harvest Thanksgiving in the Parish and our parishioners brought some non-perishable foods to place them around the Altar. These were passed on to the local Crosscare Foodbank. (In Advent the Archbishop will have a Diocesan wide food drive but we do it NOW in order that the long established food drive by the Lions Club for the St. Vincent de Paul is not affected.) On Tuesday 24th October, the children in St. Cronan’s Junior School had their Harvest Thanksgiving where they also brought an item of non-perishable food to be used in the local Crosscare Foodbank. The response to this is always amazing.

Thursday 5th October 2017
The Statue of Our Lady of Fatima blessed by Pope Francis for the Centenary Year visited St. Cronan's Church on Thursday 5th October from 10:00am to 9:00pm beginning with a Mass of Welcome at 10:00am, Rosary at 10:30am, Divine Mercy Chaplet at 3:00pm, Stations of the Cross at 3:15pm, Adoraton of the Blessed Sacrament at 4:00pm - 7:00pm, Candlelit Rosary Procession 7:00pm and concluding with Mass and Dedication of the Parish to the Immaculate Heart of Mary at 8:00pm. A programme for the schools was held in the morning.

Friday 6th October 2017
Our Annual 40 Hours Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament began on Friday 6th October at 7:30am to Saturday 7th October at 11:30pm.
"Until we have a passionate love for our Lord in the most Blessed Sacrament we shall accomplish nothing.”
St. Peter Julian Eymard

Matthew: The King and His Kingdom Catholic Bible Study brings the history of Christ to life through Matthew’s Gospel. You will see Jesus as the awaited Messiah who fulfills the promises and prophecies of the Old Testament, establishes the New Law, and inaugurates the Kingdom of Heaven.
Join us for Matthew: The King and His Kingdom in St Cronan's Pastoral Centre beginning January 2018. The study runs for a total of 24 weeks, there will be 14 classes in Spring and 10 classes in Autumn 2018. Classes are 7.30-9pm on Monday nights, the cost is €20 and the class size will be limited to 45 people. To register for the study call Louise at 01-8401188 or via email:

Monday 4th September 2017
Bible Study Classes resume on Monday 4th September at 7:30pm - 9:00pm in St. Cronan's Pastoral Centre. We will be watching the DVD Presentation on "Divided Kingdom Part 1". The reading plan is given in Session 13 of the Bible Timeline Study Book. All welcome.

14th July 2017
On Friday 14th July St. Cronan’s went live in the web. Our webcam broadcasts our Masses and other times of prayer like adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, Baptisms, Weddings and Funerals. We have often had requests from families with loved ones abroad that would be able to be part of family occasions online. It also means that those who are sick and housebound can connect with the Parish. The quality of the sound is much greater than the Parish Radio, which unfortunately has deteriorated in quality and range and cannot be improved.
Other options this facility will give to Parishioners is that when you are away on holidays and cannot locate a church, you can connect to your own Parish and take time to pray.
To view the webcam click here

9th July 2017
It was great to see so many people at the 12:30 Mass last Sunday (9th July 2017) to give thanks for the ministry of Fr. Joseph over the last five years. The representatives of the Indian Community who shared the prayerful reflection ‘Arathi’ after the consecration, the beautiful music led by our two choirs, the highlights being the Irish blessing ‘May the Road Rise to Meet You’ from the 12:30pm Choir and the final hymn to Our Lady of Knock from the 11:00am Choir made it a very special and moving celebration.
It’s hard to believe that five years have passed since myself and Maureen met him off the plane. Since then he has made an impact on people through his kindness, gentleness and thoughtfulness in all that he did. As well as celebrating the Eucharist, Confessions and Baptism he looked after the First Friday calls in Glasmore, did the weekly Mass in Tara Winthrop, accompanied many groups to Knock, worked with the Indian community and gave insightful presentations to the Patrician group.
The way that he lived his faith, and understanding of the love of God in his life, came across in his preaching and in the way he made time for people. He adapted very well to the often cold climate and amassed a colourful collection of hats, scarves and gloves. He will be missed by the sacristans who were always at ease when he was celebrating Mass as he arrived in plenty of time, unlike myself! And by the staff in Kettles particularly Bernie whose chicken curry softened his taste buds so much that he found the curry at home way too hot!!
As we wish him every blessing as he returns to his community in Kerala we pray that the Lord who brought him to us for these five years will continue to be with him in all that he does and in the communities that he serves. We pray for his family and the community of the Little Flower as they are blessed in his return. May our prayers and good wishes for him reflect the words of St. Paul “I am continually thanking God about you, for the grace of God which you have been given in Christ Jesus; in him you have been richly endowed in every kind of utterance and knowledge; so firmly has witness in Christ taken root in you. You can rely on God, who has called you to be partners with his Son Jesus Christ our Lord.” 1 Cor. 1:4-9
Finally to thank everyone who made Sunday so special in the Liturgy and in the Hospitality afterwards. I know that Fr. Joseph was very moved by the occasion and the words of appreciation that you shared with him.
Fr. Paul

Dear Friends,
On July 19th 2012 you all extended a very warm welcome to me and your kindness and friendship will remain with me for many years to come. By the Grace of God, Our Blessed Mother and the Little Flower bestowed on me the opportunity of spending these precious five years here in Ireland.
In addition, I would like to convey a sincere thanks to Archbishop Diarmuid Martin who gave me my appointment here, also Bishop Raymond Field our area Bishop. To Fr Paul I also extend huge gratitude to you for your kindness and friendship.
To the following groups and people I extend a very warm thanks and deep appreciation for always being there for me, and they are as follows:
Parish Pastoral Council Members, Peter Siney (Parish Pastoral Worker), Maureen and Georgina (Ex Parish Pastoral Workers), Fr Seamus Mc Entee, Fr. Martin Bennett OFM, our Parish Sisters Eileen and Julie, Joanne Kelleghan (My Irish Mother and Friend), Paddy O’Byrne (Finance Committee), Louise Donnelly (Parish Secretary), Tony Hennessy (Parish Office), Maura Worthington (Church Flowers), Sacristans, Ministers of the Eucharist and Word, Choirs (Adult & Junior), Altar Servers, Baptism Team, Legion of Mary (Snr & Jnr), Patricians Group, Ann Cantwell (Ex Lourdes Group Leader), our very welcoming Hospitality Groups, Christy Hall (Caretaker), the Cluster group of parishes (Swords, Rivervalley and Brackenstown), Alliance of the Two Hearts Rush Prayer Group, my own Indian Community here in Swords, the Administration Staff and Patients at the Tara Winthrop Nursing Home, to the housebound and sick here in St. Cronan’s, may I extend my sincere prayers to you all.
I will now conclude with the following quotation:
Like branches on a tree, we grow
In different directions,
Yet our roots remain as one.
Each of our lives will always be
A special part of the other.
Wishing you all many, many Blessings,
Fr Joseph Njanackal CST

1st - 8th July 2017
22 people from the parish walked in the footsteps of St James on the Camino from Sarria to Santiago in northern Spain.
The group completed an average of 26km each day whilst enjoying the beautiful scenery, wonderful sunshine and excellent company! A great sense of community and a spirit of support grew over the week despite the blisters! Each day ended with the celebration of Mass where the prayers we carried were remembered.
A great time was had by all and everyone is looking forward to the next time we do the Camino!!!

10th June 2017
A great crowd turned out for a very enjoyable afternoon walk of the Swords Parish Churches last Saturday.
The route included St. Finian’s Church, St. Colmcille’s Church, St. Colmcille’s Well, St. Columba’s Church, St Cronan’s Well & St. Cronan’s Church.
We were truly blessed with the weather and the walk finished with a well-deserved cup of tea in St. Cronan’s Parish Centre.
Thank you to all involved who helped make the walk such a great success.

4th June 2017
Last Sunday saw the culmination of a very special week in the parish where we prayed and reflected on our Living Faith, Living Church. Each of the speakers brought their own experience to this theme and encouraged us to be people of prayer who listen to the Word of God and then put it into action. When you think back to the early monasteries of Ireland, like the one that St. Cronan established here, to live the Word of God even in difficult circumstances was at the heart of their life as it is for us today.
Sunday was a real experience of Living Church, Living Faith with such a vibrant atmosphere of prayer and community. Thank you to all who worked together to make the day such a success. To our Choirs, Readers, Ministers of the Eucharist, Servers, Sacristans, Team of Cleaners on the Saturday, the Confirmation children who formed the Guard of Honour, the Hospitality Team, the Car Park Stewards and the Parish Pastoral Council. To Christie who had the grounds looking amazing, Maura for the beautiful flower arrangements and Louise who prepared so much material for the retreat and blessing. To all who contributed to the fundraising campaign and to Paddy who co-ordinated the funding for the statue. To Séighean Ó Draoi, the sculptor, who did such a beautiful job on the statue. Finally to Fr. Joseph and Peter who did so much during the week and on the day. To each person a sincere thank you.

28th May - 4th June 2017

16th April 2017
The journey of becoming part of the Church has been a joyous experience for us. We journeyed through the Rite of Christian Initiation which includes the Rite of Reception and the Rite of Election. We were privileged to meet the Archbishop during the Rite of Election who received us with a warm welcome and our names were written in a special book. The initation itself at the Easter Vigil was a beautiful ceremony where we received full communion with the Church. We believe the Christian faith is about our relationship with God and with each other and we are glad and count ourselves lucky to have embraced it. This is who we want to be - witnessing our faith in God and opening ourselves to relationships with the Christian Community.
We want to use this opportunity to thank the entire community of St. Cronan’s Catholic Church for you prayers, warm hands of welcome and for journeying with us. We thank in a special way Fr. Paul Thornton, for your words of encouragement and for offering us your friendly and welcoming heart in helping us strengthen our faith. We also thank Peter and Ruth for constantly nourishing us with the good words of God, answering our questions and for your commitment to work with us on our spiritual journey. Our thanks also go to our sponsors and families for all their support. Thank you all once again.
Charlotte & Zanda.

26th - 31st March 2017
Each week in our parish, there are a variety of ways in which people gather to pray and worship. During this special Week of Prayer we will be offering a variety of additional prayer experiences. Every day this week we will begin with Morning Prayer of the Church at 9:20am and ending each day with Night Prayer of the Church at 9:00pm.
During the afternoons the Church will be open for quiet reflection and there will be a number of Prayer Stations around the Church for you to use.
The following prayer experiences will also be available on the evenings of this week:
Monday - Celebration of Liturgy of the Word
Tuesday - Medjugorje Prayer (in Pastoral Centre)
Wednesday - Adoration
Thursday - Taizé Prayer
Friday - Stations of the Cross
Some parishioners will be taking part in a Week of Guided Prayer accompanied by a Prayer Guide. We ask you to remember all those taking part in your prayers this week.

Friday 3rd March 2017
This year the World Day of Prayer will take place in St. Cronan’s Church on Friday 3rd March at 7:30pm. The theme this years is “Am I Being Unfair to You” and has been prepared by women of the Philippines.
Our local group, made up of representatives of the three Parishes are preparing our Prayer Service and as part of International Women’s Day it is an important time to come together to pray.

15th December 2016
A family celebration with the story of Christmas told through the readings, drama, popular carols & carols from around the world. Refreshments & Mulled Wine afterwards in the
Parish Pastoral Centre
15th December 2016
A family celebration with the story of Christmas told through the readings, drama, popular carols & carols from around the world. Refreshments & Mulled Wine afterwards in the
Parish Pastoral Centre

12th November 2016
1:00pm: Meet at Gardiner St. Church where we will enter the Holy Door and visit the shrine of Blessed John Sullivan & we will walk to Sean McDermott St. Church, enter through the Holy Door and visit the shrine of Ven. Matt Talbot.
We will then make our way to the Pro-Cathedral where we will enter the Diocesan Holy Door and visit the shrine of St. Laurence O’Toole, Patron of the Diocese. After an opportunity for some quiet prayer, we will visit the “Church & The 1916 Exhibition” in St. Kevin’s Oratory. The plan is to meet in Gardiner St. but lifts can be organised for those in need.

4th November 2016
An invitation has been sent to every family to the person given as next of kin. When the family arrive at the Church they will be given a candle with the name of their loved one on it and a wooden cross. During the ceremony of remembrance a member of the family present these to the sacred space on the sanctuary. At the end of the Mass they will be invited to take the candle home with a flower bulb, while the cross is placed on our remembrance board.
Families are invited to prepare a piece on their loved one for the Book of Remembrance which is available to look at in the Sacred Space beside the Organ. Please drop the piece on your loved one into the Parish Office.

31st October 2016
On Monday morning we got the sad news that Sr. Ellen O’Donoghue, S.M.R, had gone home to God. She was laid to rest in Mount St. Oliver Cemetery in Limerick after her funeral Mass in St. Joseph’s Church on Wednesday, which saw huge crowds come to pay their final respects to a mighty woman.
It was twenty nine years ago in 1987 when Sr. Ellen was appointed to Brackenstown as a Parish Sister. It wasn’t long after she arrived that herself and the then Principal of the Junior School, Ann Mac Mahon, saw there was a need to provide something for young mothers whose last child had started school. In the staff room of the school they began their first personal development class and in doing so launched the vision that was to go on to become BASE.

18th October 2016
Come along and read the Bible with us this Tuesday, the Feast Day of St. Luke who wrote the Gospel of Mercy. We are reading this as part of the celebration of the “Year of Mercy” along with our cluster parishes of Swords and River Valley. St. Luke’s Gospel is easy to read, and we are using a large print Bible.

26th - 31st July 2016
On Monday 25th July five Parishioners will leave to represent the Parish at World Youth Day. Alex, Anita, Sarah, Seán and Stuart will join with over three hundred young people from the Dublin Diocese on this pilgrimage which is expected to attract about 1.5 million young people from around the world who will celebrate their faith and be encouraged by Pope Francis to be courageous ambassadors. The theme of World Youth Day is taken from the Year of Mercy “Blessed are the Merciful, for they shall obtain Mercy.”

Saturday 18th June 2016
A sincere and heartfelt thanks to all in Brackenstown for your kindness, welcome and good wishes. Over the last year I’ve had the opportunity to be involved in the many aspects of parish life here in Brackenstown including the Parish Retreat, The World Youth Day preparations, Lenten Reflection, Baptisms, Parish Pastoral Council, work with the Urban Disciples Youth Ministry and the Parish Schools to name but a few!

Saturday 11th June 2016 at 2pm
Jubilee Year of Mercy, Swords Parishes Pilgrimage Walk will took place on Saturday 11th June commencing in St. Colmcille’s Church at 2pm and visiting St. Columba's, St. Cronan's & St. Finians Churches, St. Colmcille’s Holy Well and the site of St. Cronan's Holy Well.
Further details of the route etc. to be provided.

Sunday 5th June 2016 after 12:30pm Mass
Archbishop Diarmuid Martin has accepted the invitation of the Parish Pastoral Council to open and bless the Pastoral Centre. This will take place on Sunday 5th June. Archbishop Martin will celebrate the 12:30pm Mass and afterwards will bless the Centre.

Friday 15th April 2016 at 7:00pm
“The people that walked in darkness have seen a great light”
On the 15th of April we will host Eddie Stones Healing Service. The Evening will include:
7:00pm The Blessed Sacrament is Exposed; Rosary led by Eddie Stones & Sacrament of Reconciliation begins; 8:00pm Celebration of the Eucharist; 9:00pm Eddie will pray with people individually. The Rosary and other prayers will be ongoing. During the evening the Pastoral Centre will be open for refreshments and bathroom facilities.

Sunday 3rd April 2016 from 2:45pm
The Programme for the day includes Introduction and Blessing of Image; Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament; Confession; Chaplet of Divine Mercy; Rosary followed by Veneration of the Image and Blessing with the Relic of St. Faustina; Stations of the Cross; Benediction & Celebration of the Eucharist. During the afternoon, tea & coffee will be available in the Parish Pastoral Centre.

Friday 18th March 2016 at 7:30pm
Another very successful presentation by Maura Worthington, this time for Easter. Many floral enthusiasts and followers of Maura came along to get some ideas for their Easter floral arrangements. Maura demonstrated some beautiful ways of using flowers for Easter. In her own imaginative and creative way she took the flowers all bought locally, and simply and cleverly made works of art. We thank her for sharing her talent with us and for raising €400.00 for the Pastoral Centre.

Tuesday 15th March 2016 at 12 noon
Earlier this year members of the Irish Defence Forces presented an Irish Flag and a copy on the Proclamation to St. Cronan’s Junior and Senior Schools. On the 15th March at noon, they will participate in a flag raising ceremony which will be done in all primary schools throughout the Country. The pupils form the Senior School will gather in the car park in front of the flag poles just before noon. Two pupils will raise the flag, the proclamation will be read, the National Anthem will be sung and the children will play some Irish tunes on their recorders. We invite you to join us to mark the centenary commemoration with the children.

Friday 4th March - Saturday 5th March 2016
"The initiative of '24 Hours for the Lord' to be celebrated on the Friday and Saturday preceding the Fourth Week of Lent, should be implemented in every diocese. So many people, including young people, are returning to the Sacrament of Reconciliation; through this experience they are rediscovering a path back to the Lord, living a moment of intense prayer and finding meaning in their lives. Let us place the Sacrament of Reconciliation at the centre once more in such a way that it will enable people to touch the grandeur of God’s mercy with their own hands. For every penitent, it will be a source of true interior peace."
An Invitation from Pope Francis In The Jubilee of Mercy.

21st – 26th February 2016
You are invited to join in our Parish Retreat led by the Capuchin Retreat Team. We invite you to be with us throughout the week when together we will tell stories that encourage, inspire, heal, awaken, on our journey as human beings and Christians. The themes we will suggest will give you the chance to tell, retell and review the stories of your life, supporting you in the call to be fully alive.In addition, the liturgies we celebrate together, our conversations, the afternoon workshops on faith development, the homilies, the school visits and the Saturday-event for the youth, as well as the networking that will flow through the St. Cronan’s Facebook and Twitter pages, will provide opportunities for a wide variety of exchanges, conversation and experiences.

From Monday 1st February 2016 at 7:30pm
An eight week course for anyone who wants an overview of the key books of the Bible. If you would like to have a deeper relationship with God and a better understanding of your faith, then join us for Unlocking the Mystery of the Bible. You will not only benefit personally from being part of this study; you will also help to bring about a profound renewal in our parish as we grow closer to Christ. Brackenstown Parish will begin Unlocking the Mystery of the Bible on Monday 1st February at 7:30pm in the Pastoral Centre.

Sunday 17th January 2016 at the 12:30pm Mass
We have invited the African Chaplaincy, Polish Community, Travelling Community, Indian Community to join with us in celebrating the faith we hold together. We invite you to come to the Mass in traditional dress or wearing the a national sporting jersey of your country. After the Mass there will be refreshments in the Pastoral Centre prepared by each group as a sample of their national dishes.
Motivations, Methods and Meaning : 7:00pm - 8:30pm
Tuesdays 1st December, 8th December, 15th December & Monday 21st December 2015
Join Br. Martin for 4 evenings over Advent as he guides us in preparing for Christmas. Each session will be a mix of input, discussion and meditation practice with hospitality after.

Monday 26 September – Saturday 1st October 2016
This tour begins with a direct flight from Dublin to Rome. Enjoy 5 nights in the Eternal City during which time you will see many of the main places of religious and historical interest including The Vatican & Sistine Chapel, the Major Basilicas, the Holy Stairs, Colosseum, Forum, Capitol Hill, Pantheon and of course the Trevi Fountain. Price: €695.00 per person sharing B & B. For more information, please contact the parish office.

Tuesday 17th November 2015
Blessed Louis and Zelie Martin, parents of St. Therese of Liseaux, were beatified on October 19, 2008. Pope Francis canonized Blessed Louis and Zelie Martin, the parents of St. Therese of Lisieux, on Sunday 18th October 2015. They are the first married couple to ever have been made saints. The Relics of Louis and Zelie Martin, along with a relic of their daughter Therese of Liseaux arrived here in St. Cronan's Church at 2:00pm on Tuesday 17th November. The reception was a prayer service for children at 3:00pm with adoration from 4pm - 6pm and Mass followed by a blessing with the relics at 7:30pm.

Thursday 12th November 2015
Maura Worthington has been arranging the Church flowers now for the past three years. She is a very accomplished floral arranger and has won many awards for her arrangements including "Bloom". Maura gave some great tips and ideas for Christmas. The night was a huge success with a cup of tea afterwards and the floral arrangements being raffled off at the end. All proceeds go toward the Parish Centre.

Weekday Mornings after 10am Mass
One of the main reasons for building the Parish Centre was to build and strengthen links between people in the Parish. We now have hospitality on three mornings after the 10:00am Mass on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays. We encourage you to join us on those days and to invite others you see in the church to come in. We don’t charge for the tea/coffee and our goodies are kindly sponsored, though there is a jar if you wish to make a donation. All welcome, please come in and meet up with friends new and old.

Tuesday 3rd November 2015
A talk detailing the histories, folklore and locations of the Holy Wells of Dublin was given by historian & folklorist, Gary Branigan, in St Cronan’s Pastoral Centre on Tuesday 03/11/15. Gary’s talk included information on the recently uncovered St Cronan’s Holy Well. The well is located in the field behind the ruins of Glasmore Abbey/the Nunnery, Lioscian estate. This field is now owned by a construction company and is zoned for housing. The well is believed to have supplied the Abbey with its water and is dedicated to St Cronan who was abbot there. St Cronan was killed in a Danish raid when the Abbey was destroyed in the seventh century. St Cronan’s Holy Well is an important part of the Christian history of Swords. It is hoped that the powers-that-be can be persuaded that the well should be restored and saved for posterity. Any help or support that you can give in achieving this would be gratefully appreciated. Gary Branigan very kindly gave his talk free of charge, as it is a good cause.

Available from Legion of Mary
The Rosary Statue was blessed for use in the homes of the parish during the coming year. If you would like to have the statue in your home for a week, please contact a member of the Legion of Mary in the main porch after Mass.

Sunday 11th October 2015
Our thanksgiving to God for the food we have and for the way that we can live our lives extends beyond our prayer. We have recently held our Annual Food Drive to support the CROSSCARE FOOD BANK which has a base in the Parish Meeting room and which supports familes in need through the Society of St. Vinecnt de Paul. Through the Central Food Bank in Glasnevin, CROSSCARE shares the food received through the Community Food Drives and that which companies provide, to the Community Food Banks, to their Homeless Shelters and to groups who reach out to people living on the streets.
An encyclical in which the Pope addresses problems which have resulted from human activity, and therefore come under moral analysis regarding our obligation to our fellow man, especially the poor, and our responsibilities as “stewards” of the Earth, “our common home.”
Many of the concerns are undisputed, such as pollution through industrial or agricultural activity, deforestation, loss of habitat, etc., with their accompanying impact on all human beings, especially the poor. Others, such as "climate change," are more controversial. While the Holy Father adopts the consensus position of scientists as a basis of consideration and prudential action, in keeping with Catholic teaching on the relation between disciplines such as theology, philosophy and science, he leaves the empirical debate to the scientists themselves.
Finally, there is a “Franciscan flavor” to the Pontiff’s encyclical, due to his choice of papal name, the role of “Il Poverello” (The Little Poor Man) of Assisi as patron saint of ecology, and his drawing on Franciscan theology, with its Incarnational approach. This approach is centered on the Word as “first-born” of creation, through whom all things were made, and through whom all things will be restored and returned to the Father. See Col. 1 and Eph. 1 for the Pauline theology upon which this Franciscan approach, both Trinitarian and Christological, is based. (CBD)

A discussion night on the Synod of the Family was held on 18th March 2015 in St. Cronan's
Read the report on this meeting here
Marriage is important - Reflect before you change it
Archbishop Diarmuid Martin has invited priests and parishioners to take part in a diocesan wide discussion process in advance of the Synod of the Family this year.
Archbishop Martin will attend the second session of the Synod, called by Pope Francis, in Rome this October on the theme “The Vocation and Mission of the Family in the Church and Contemporary World”.
In a letter to priests and parishes the Archbishop said it was the desire of Pope Francis that God’s people around the world should have an opportunity to make their contribution to the process. He said: “Worldwide, there is a great appreciation of the fact that Pope Francis wanted to hear the sentiments of God’s people on the theme of the Synod. I believe, we owe it to Pope Francis to use this opportunity for reflection – and indeed a new model of Church practice – which he offers.” Click on the links below to read the document and the questions issued on 19th January 2014:
Relatio Synodi

(15 August 1917 – 24 March 1980)
Declared a Martyr by Pope Francis on 3rd February 2015
OSCAR ROMERO was a bishop of the Catholic Church in El Salvador. He became the fourth Archbishop of San Salvador. He spoke out against poverty, social injustice, assassinations and torture.
His spiritual life drew much from the spirituality of Opus Dei, and in later stages of his life he was strongly imbued with the progressive liberation theology movement in Latin America. In 1980, at the Church of the Divine Providence, Romero was assassinated while offering Mass.
In 1997, Pope John Paul II bestowed upon Romero the title of Servant of God, and a cause for beatification and canonization was opened for him. The cause stalled, but was reopened by Pope Benedict XVI in 2012. He was declared a martyr by Pope Francis on 3 February 2015, paving the way for his beatification on 23 May 2015.